Tuesday, March 20, 2018

NAFTA Metals Tariffs

The recent aluminum and steel tariff plan that President Trump is trying to implement has received some backlash from both sides, in Canada and Mexico. President Trump is trying to negotiate with both countries to avoid a tariff on both steel and aluminum. The tariff would be 10% on aluminum and 25% on steel imports and has many countries outraged about this idea. Trump explains that we have lost 800 billion over the past year because of trade and feels that the tariff would help states that are getting cheated due to the cheap imports of steel and aluminum. States such as Pennsylvania where there is a steel and aluminum workers feel that they are being cheated and are not allowed the opportunity to produce and compete on a level playing field against importing prices. With the massive trade deficits with Canada and Mexico, Trump feels that this will help with the way that jobs have been relocated and may result in a better treatment of American farmers by Canada and encourage Mexico to do more on stopping drug smuggling.


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